Wechat Pay
Technical Service Agreement


甲方 (商戶)

Party A (Merchant):


Contact: Digital Pay Solutions Limited
Email: hello@digital-pays.com

After amicable negotiations, according to the stipulations of related laws and regulations, Party A and Party B (hereinafter the “Parties”) hereby enter into this Agreement regarding the mobile payment services with which Party B will provide Party A, based on the principles of mutual benefits and common development.

Article 1: Contents and Scope of Service

1. 乙方作為微信支付認可的服務商,為甲方提供移動支付服務,甲方通過乙方自主研發的移動支付商戶管理系統(簡稱“商戶平台”)實現微信支付支付的接入、交易訂單線上查詢、日結對帳、統計分析等功能。乙方委託銀行為甲方進行資金結算。
Party B, as an approved service provider of Wechat Pay, would provide Party A with mobile payment services, including Party B’s self-developed mobile payment business management system (“Business Platform” for short), through which Party A can connect to the Wechat Pay payment method, make online inquiries on transactions, reconcile the daily account and conduct statistical analysis. Party B delegates a bank to make fund settlements for Party A.

2. 甲方使用乙方提供的移動支付服務,按本協議約定向乙方支付服務費。
Regarding the mobile payment services provided by Party B for Party A, Party A shall pay the Service Fee as agreed in this Agreement.

3. 乙方提供移動支付服務的區域為香港地區。
The territory where Party B provides the mobile payment service is limited to Hong Kong.

Article 2: Service Fee and Settlement

1. 服務費
Service Fee

1.1 本地線上
Local Online
乙方收取的服務費=甲方微信支付每筆交易額*【   】% 。
Service Fee charged by Party B=Each transaction volume through Wechat Pay of Party A*【   】%.

1.2 本地線下
Local Offline
乙方收取的服務費=甲方微信支付每筆交易額*【   】% 。
Service Fee charged by Party B=Each transaction volume through Wechat Pay of Party A*【   】%.

1.3 跨境線上
Cross-Border Online
乙方收取的服務費=甲方微信支付每筆交易額*【   】% 。
Service Fee charged by Party B=Each transaction volume through Wechat Pay of Party A*【   】%.

1.4 跨境線下
Cross-Border Offline
乙方收取的服務費=甲方微信支付每筆交易額*【   】% 。
Service Fee charged by Party B=Each transaction volume through Wechat Pay of Party A*【   】%.

1.5 乙方在甲方微信支付交易額中直接扣除服務費。
Party B deducts the Service Fee directly from the transaction volume of Wechat Pay of Party A.

1.6 甲方知曉並同意,微信支付官方針對不同的應用場景及行業類目,支付服務費標準或費率可能會隨時調整,屆時,乙方以書面形式通知甲方調整後的服務費標準或費率,新的標準或費率在甲方收到通知的第三個自然日自動生效。如甲方不同意新費率的,應在收到通知後的次日當天或之前書面回復乙方,乙方有權解除本協議;如甲方未回復或逾期回復的,則視為甲方接受新的標準或費率。
Party A acknowledges and understands that Wechat Pay may adjust, at its discretion, the transaction fee standards or rates based on different application scenarios and industries. Should that happen, Party B would notify Party A the adjusted transaction fee standards or rates in writing, which will automatically come into force on the third calendar day starting from the date that Party A receives the notice. If Party A disagrees with the new transaction fee rates, it shall send a written notice to Party B on or before the second day of receiving the notice of Party B and Party B then would be entitled to terminate this Agreement. Any failure to or delay of such notice by Party A shall be deemed to the receipt of the new standards or rates by Party A.

2. 結算

Minimum Volume of Settlement:
【HKD 0】(即所有微信支付交易額扣除服務費及其他本協議容許扣除的金額,累計達到最低結算金額才進行結算) (i.e. the volume of the whole transaction volume of Wechat Pay after deducting Service Fees and other fees agreed in this Agreement shall reach the Minimum Volume Settlement before the settlement could be made.)

Period of Settlement :
【T+2】日,休息日與法定節假日順延結算。具體到賬時間以銀行結算時間為准。(T 是指產生交易的當天)Day, postponed if there are days-off or statutory public holidays. The exact date of receiving the payment would be subject to the settlement time of the relevant bank. (T refers to the same day when a transaction happens.)

Currency of Settlement:

Bank Account of Party A’s Settlement Bank:
– 公司名稱 / Company Name:
– 開戶銀行 / Bank Name:
– 賬 號 / Account Number:

Where the settlement fails because of the mistaken information of the settlement bank account offered by Party A, Party A shall bear the commission fee charged by the bank.

3. 退款

3.1 當用戶提出退款請求,甲方應當積極配合退款,因退款引起的任何用戶投訴、法律糾紛等實際法律後果由甲方獨立擔責,與乙方無關。
When a user applies for a refund, Party A shall actively coordinate with the refunding process. Party B is exempted from any customer complaints, legal disputes and any actual legal liabilities incurred by refunding and Party A shall be held accountable alone.

3.2 當甲方向乙方提出退款請求時,甲方應保證當天該交易待結算資金大於退款金額,乙方或乙方指定方有權直接從甲方待結算資金中扣除退款金額完成退款,如因甲方交易待結算資金不足導致無法退款的,其後果由甲方自行承擔。
As Party A makes the refunding request to Party B, Party A shall ensure the fund to be settled for transactions on that day is more than the amount to be refunded. Party B or a party designated by Party B is entitled to deduct the refund amount from Party A’s fund to be settled directly to accomplish the process. If Party A fails to keep enough fund to be settled which impeded the refunding process, the consequences shall be borne by Party A on its own account.

3.3 退款時若產生相關費用的,此費用應由甲方自行承擔,乙方有權從甲方的交易額中扣除。
If additional fees happen for refunding, the fees shall be solely covered by Party A and Party B may deduct it from Party A’s transaction account.

Article 3 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties

1. 乙方在現有技術實現基礎上努力維護商戶平台的正常穩定運行,並努力提升和改進技術,對商戶平台功能及服務進行更新、升級,以不斷提升平台性能。
Party B shall work to maintain the regular and stable operation of the Business Platform on the basis of its current technical capacity and strive for technology improvements by updating and upgrading the functionalities and services of the Business Platform in so as to continuously reinforce its efficacy.

2. 乙方在商戶平台設立網上交易查詢介面,為甲方提供資訊管理和交易資訊查詢服務,甲方須負責自身的硬體平台搭建並承擔相關的設備費用及通訊費用。
Party B shall set up online transaction inquiry interface on the Business Platform, providing Party A with information management and transaction information inquiry services. Party A shall complete the hardware platform construction on its own and cover related equipment and communication fees.

3. 甲方知悉其數據在乙方為甲方開發的數據系統中永久保存,但乙方僅給予甲方六個月的免費查詢及下載交易數據許可權。甲方應及時下載交易數據並存檔,超過六個月的數據無法查詢導致的不利後果由甲方自行承擔。
Party A has acknowledged that its data will be kept permanently in the data system developed by Party B for Party A, but Party B only provides Party A six months’ authority to inquire and download transaction data free of charge. Party A shall download and file the transaction data in time. If the data become not available due to the expiration of six months, Party A shall bear this adverse consequence on itself.

4. 甲方在申請接入移動支付服務時,應如實向乙方提供相關經營資質資料,甲方應保證所提交的上述資料的準確性、真實性、完整性和有效性。甲方的資質材料資訊發生任何變更,或遷址、停業、變更名稱或聯繫電話等資料資訊,應提前通知乙方,否則,乙方有權視具體情況暫停服務,甲方未及時通知導致的一切投訴和糾紛以及因此產生的一切法律責任,均由甲方承擔。
When applying for interface to mobile payment services, Party A shall provide Party B with its qualification credentials and materials related to its business and ensure the accuracy, authenticity, completeness and validity of the above-mentioned materials being submitted. Should there be any alteration to the qualification credentials and materials, change of address, termination of business, change of register name, phone number or other information of Party A, Party B shall be notified in advance. Otherwise, Party B may suspend its services judging from the specific situations. Party A is liable for any complaints, disputes or legal liabilities incurred by its negligence of not giving timely notifications.

5. 甲方使用本服務,即表明甲方同意乙方有權將甲方的資質材料提交國家機關、第三方支付公司、和金融機構進行身份驗證和鑒定,同時,為更好地提供服務,甲方同意授權乙方在法律允許的範圍內自行收集、記錄、使用上述資訊和數據。
By using this service, Party A hereby agrees Party B to submit its qualification credentials and materials to national authorities, third-party payment companies and financial institutions for identity authentication. Meanwhile, for better services, Party A agrees to authorize Party B to collect, record and use the above-mentioned information and data within the legal framework.

6. 甲方不得把微信支付商戶號、商戶平台(包括但不限於介面技術、安全協議及證書等)用於本協議範圍以外的用途,也不得出租、轉讓或授權給第三方使用,否則將會視為違約,甲方應賠償乙方因上述行為所造成的損失。
Party A shall neither use the mobile payment business ID and platform (including but not limited to interface technology, SSL agreement and certificate) for other purposes outside the framework of this Agreement, nor lease, transfer or authorize any third party to use. Otherwise, it shall be deemed as breach of this Agreement, and Party A shall be responsible for any damages, expenses and costs arising therefrom.

7. 乙方僅為甲方提供移動支付服務,甲方與用戶或其他主體之間的糾紛由甲方自行負責處理,與乙方無關。
Party B is only liable for providing mobile payment technical services to Party A, exempted from any liabilities arising from any dispute between Party A and its users or other bodies, which shall only be otherwise handled by Party A on its own account.

8. 未經乙方書面授權,甲方不得轉載、複製、截取、篡改乙方的商標、標識、 Logo 等內容或製作與該內容有關的衍生產品,否則,甲方需賠償乙方因違反本 條款給乙方所造成的一切損失。
Without Party B’s written authorization, Party A shall not reprint, copy, intercept, or tamper with Party B’s trademark, sign, logo and other derivative contents related to the above contents. Otherwise, Party A shall indemnify Party B for any losses caused thereby.

9. 甲方授權乙方使用甲方的企業名稱、標識、商號、商標、功能變數名稱等進行宣傳推廣,將甲方列為乙方的業務合作夥伴進行宣傳推廣,乙方在使用前述授權過程中不得損害甲方聲譽。
Party A authorizes Party B to use Party A’s company name, logo, trade name, trademark, domain name, etc. for promotion, and list Party A as its business partner for promotion, while Party B shall not damage Party A’s reputation in the process of using the prior authorizations.

10. 在雙方合作期間,甲方承諾發起的本服務交易基於真實的交易,不利用本服務從事本協議附件中禁止的相關交易類型。
In the course of bilateral cooperation, Party A promises that its transactions that apply the service of this Agreement are based on authentic transactions and shall not use this service to engage any related prohibited transaction type listed in Appendix of this Agreement.

11. 甲方應保證訂單資訊的合法性、真實性、準確性和完整性。甲方在受理用戶訂單時,須記錄包括但不限於以下資訊:用戶姓名、手機號碼,訂購產品的產品名稱、產品編號、產品單價、合計索取價格、配送資訊。甲方還應妥善保留有關交易數據和憑證,包括但不限於訂單和用戶接受貨物時簽字的有關單據。保留期限不少於 7 年或法律規定的上限,以較高者為准。甲方對乙方提出的查詢通知及調單要求,應在接到乙方通知後,以郵件或傳真的方式在兩個工作日內將相關單據交付給乙方。
Party A shall ensure the legitimacy, authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the order information. When accepting user orders, Party A shall keep a record of the following information, including but not limited to name of the user, mobile phone number, name of the ordered product, serial number, unit price, total claimed price, and delivery information. Party A shall also keep the transaction data and certificates properly, including but not limited to the order and the receipt with customer’s signature upon delivery, for at least seven years or the upper limit regulated by laws, whichever higher shall be applied. Party A shall answer Party B’s inquiry notifications and requests for retrieving receipts after being notified by Party B by emailing or faxing relevant documents to Party B within two working days.

12. 甲方在使用移動支付服務中非因乙方原因被用戶投訴的,乙方有權要求甲方及時妥善解決或採取完善補救措施,甲方未能及時完善和補救的,乙方有權視實際情況單方免責暫停或終止提供移動支付服務。
If Party A is sued by users when using the mobile payment services for reasons that are not attributable to Party B, Party B would be entitled to ask Party A to settle the issues in a timely manner or take measures as remedies. If Party A fails to improve or remedy the situation, Party B would be entitled to unilaterally suspend or terminate the provision of mobile payment technical services without any liabilities judging from the actual situation.

13. 甲方不得主動或協助持卡人進行信用卡套現、洗錢、資助恐怖主義活動、交易分單等違法經營行為,不得出現虛假申請、惡意倒閉等嚴重風險行為,否則,乙方有權單方免責暫停或終止提供本協議服務,並將甲方的資訊報送至相關監管機構。
Party A shall not actively conduct or assist cardholders to conduct illegal business behaviors such as credit card cash-out, money laundering, financing terrorism and transaction split. False application, malicious bankruptcy and other high-risk activities are strictly prohibited. Any violation would grant Party B the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the services specified in this Agreement without any liabilities and report the information of Party A to relevant supervisory bodies.

14. 甲方應向乙方提供以下盡職調查資料:
Party A shall provide the following documents to Party B:

(1) 基礎經營資訊描述;Description of basic business operation;
(2) 主體郵件地址(非個人郵件地址);Enterprise email address (but not individual email addresses);
(3) 法律和最終受益人資訊;Legal and beneficial owner information;
(4) 經營名稱及註冊號碼(已註冊的和商用名稱);Business name and registration number (registered and ‘trading as’ name);
(5) 商戶種類編碼和商戶 ID;Merchant category code and merchant identifier (MID);
(6) 提供支付的零售店照片;Photo of a retail store where Spot Payment if offered;
(7) 產品描述;A description of the merchant’s product(s);
(8) 乙方不時合理要求的其他相關資訊。Any other relevant information upon Party B’s reasonable request from time to time.

15. 甲方不得直接向微信支付的用戶收取任何服務費;如微信支付發起調單要求,甲方應向微信支付提供必要的資訊,包括但不限於交易訂單資訊。
Party A shall not charge any service fee to Wechat Pay’s users. If Wechat Pay requests for inspection, Party A shall submit necessary information to Wechat Pay, including but not limited to the transaction PO information.

Article 4: Intellectual Property

1. 乙方在本合作中提供的內容(包括但不限於商標、標識、網頁、文字、圖片等)的知識產權歸乙方所有。
The intellectual property of the contents provided by Party B during this cooperation (including but not limited to trademarks, logos, web pages, texts, pictures, etc.) is owned by Party B.

2. 除另有特別聲明外,乙方在本合作中提供的軟體系統、技術界面、安全證書等所依託的著作權、專利權及其他知識產權均歸乙方所有。
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights and other intellectual properties of the software systems, technical interfaces and security certificates provided by Party B during this cooperation shall be owned by Party B.

3. 上述知識產權均受到法律保護,未經乙方或相關權利人書面許可,甲方不得以任何形式進行使用或許可他人使用,或創造相關衍生作品。
The above-mentioned intellectual properties are protected by laws. Party A shall not use or permit any other person to use or create related derivative works in any form without the written permission of Party B or relevant stakeholders.

Article 5: Confidential Terms

1. 簽署或履行本協議過程中,甲、乙雙方對了解或接觸到的涉及對方的業務、技術、財務及其他方面未公開的資料和資訊等商業秘密(下稱“保密資訊”),均應保守秘密。
Party A and Party B shall keep any business secrets (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”) that are known or communicated in the course of signing or executing this Agreement, including the business, technical, financial and other undisclosed information about the other party.

2. 非經一方書面同意,另一方不得向第三方透露該保密資訊,也不得以不正當方式使用或授權他人使用該保密資訊。收到保密資訊的一方應當採取措施保護保密資訊,防止資訊被擅自使用、散佈或公開。但因相關法律、法規的明確規定,必須向有關機構、國家政府部門及公眾或用戶投訴要求披露的除外。
Neither party could disclose the Confidential Information to a third party and use or authorize others to use the Confidential Information in an improper manner without the written consent of the other party. The party receiving the Confidential Information shall take measures to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized use, distribution or disclosure, unless being asked to disclose it to relative institutions, national governmental departments, people or users who filed for information disclosure, according to specific stipulations in related laws and regulations.

3. 協議終止後,本協議第五條的保密條款雙方仍應履行,且由於履行協議甲方所獲得乙方提供的所有產品資訊,市場政策,範本支撐等相關所有文檔及資料甲方應予返還或銷毀。
After the termination of this Agreement, the confidentiality clause of Article 5 of this Agreement shall still be executed, and Party A shall return or destroy all the product information, market policy, template support and other relevant documents and archives provided by Party B in fulfilling this Agreement.

Article 6: Liabilities for Breach of Contract

1. 甲、乙雙方中的任何一方違反在本協議中所做約定的義務、保證、承諾或其他條款,均構成違約。
Violation of the contracted obligations, promises, commitments or other articles in this Agreement by Party A or Party B shall be deemed as breach of contract.

2. 甲方有下列情形之一,乙方有權單方面免責終止本協議並要求甲方賠償實際損失及主張實際損失的費用,包括但不限於任何成本、費用(包括但不限於訴訟費、調查費、差旅費、鑒定費、專家費、律師費等)、損害(不論直接的或間接的)、損失等:
If Party A is involved in any of the following circumstances, Party B is entitled to unilaterally terminate this agreement without any liabilities and require Party A to compensate for the actual loss and lodge claims for the actual loss, including but not limited to any costs, expenses (including but not limited to litigation fee, investigation fee, traveling fee, authentication fee, expert fee, attorney’s fee, etc.), damages (whether direct or indirect), losses, etc.:

(1) 直接或間接參與欺詐的;
Direct or indirect involvement in fraud;
(2) 出現違規操作,經乙方指出拒不糾正的;
Violation of business norms, refusing to make corrections as required by Party B;
(3) 無理拒絕或故意拖延金融機構的查詢和監查要求的;
Unreasonable refusal or deliberate postponement of the inquiry or supervision requests of financial institutions;
(4) 進入破產程式、解散、營業執照被吊銷;
Entering into bankruptcy proceedings, dissolution or business license being revoked;
(5) 發生卡片偽冒交易或惡意欠款的;
Counterfeiting transaction of card or malicious arrears;
Violation of this Agreement or undertaking illegal business by employing Party B’s services;
(7) 出現風險事件或經乙方判斷交易異常的;
Emergence of risky events or business abnormalities determined by Party B; (8)違反本協議或法律法規的強制性規定的;
Violation of the mandatory provisions of this Agreement or other laws and regulations;
(9) 侵犯本協議第四條中乙方的知識產權的;
Infringement of Party B’s intellectual properties as prescribed in Article 4 of this Agreement;
(10) 違反本協議第五條中的保密義務的;
In breach of the confidentiality obligation as prescribed in Article 5 of this Agreement;
(11) 實施其他有損乙方利益行為的,而不論此等行為是何種性質或種類,也不論是如何發生的。
Other actions that are detrimental to Party B’s interests, despite whatsoever nature or kind, and howsoever the occurrence.

Article 7: Disclaimer

Either party, who is unable to perform or fully perform this Agreement due to force majeure, may be partially or totally exempted from its obligations. Force majeure refers to the events that the Parties cannot foresee when entering into this Agreement, whose occurrence and consequences cannot be avoided and overcome, including but not limited to the following:

1) 自然災害,如颱風、冰雹、地震、海嘯、洪水、火山爆發、山體滑坡;
Natural disasters, such as typhoons, hailstones, earthquake, tsunamis, flood, volcanic eruptions, landslide;
2) 政府行為,如徵收、徵用、強制規定;
Government actions, such as expropriation, requisition, and compulsory provisions;
3) 社會異常事件,如戰爭、武裝衝突、罷工、騷亂、暴動等。
Social abnormal events, such as war, armed conflict, strike, disturbance, riot, etc.
In addition, in view of the special nature of the Internet and e-commerce, Party B can be exempted from liabilities if it cannot fulfill the obligations under this Agreement due to the occurrences including but not limited to the following that may impact the normal operation of the Internet and the services specified by this Agreement:

(1) 駭客攻擊、電腦病毒侵入或發作;
Hacking, computer virus intrusion or attack;
(2) 電腦系統遭到破壞、癱瘓或無法正常使用;
Computer system being damaged, paralyzed or mal-functioned;
(3) 電信部門技術調整導致之重大影響;
Significant impact caused by technical adjustments in the telecommunications sectors;
(4) 因政府管制而造成的暫時性關閉等; Temporary closure due to government control;
(5) 因國家法律法規、政策、銀行政策調整影響本服務無法正常履行;
Failure to provide normal services due to adjustment of national laws and regulations, policies, and bank policies;
(6) 電信運營商、微信支付等非本協議各方原因造成本協議無法繼續履行或需做變更的。
Failure to further fulfill or necessity to alter this Agreement caused by other parties, such as the telecom operators and WeChat Pay, rather than Party A or Party B.

In the event of force majeure or any situation-changing incidents, either party shall notify the other party in writing of the incident, give the details of the incident within fifteen working days, and provide relevant supporting materials stating the reasons for being unable to fulfill or partially fulfill this Agreement or having to postpone the fulfillment. Both parties shall otherwise agree upon whether this Agreement should be further executed or terminated based on the gravity of the influence of the incident on the fulfillment of this Agreement. If both parties reach consent to termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall hereof be terminated and both parties will not be liable for breach of contract and shall bear the losses on their own.

Article 8: Risk and Special Agreement

1. 支付交易過程中,甲方應積極防範信用卡持卡人拒付風險,及時解決客戶服務中出現的問題。在交易中如出現包括但不限於交易不真實、欺詐、盜卡、偽冒交易、持卡人否認交易、持卡人拒付、持卡人帳戶資訊洩漏或錯誤或甲方違反國家法律、法規以及甲方違反對用戶的承諾以及甲方違反與乙方的約定等情形,甲方應立即書面通知乙方,並自行承擔上述情形造成的全部損失。
During the process of payment transactions, Party A shall actively guard against the dishonor risks of credit cardholders and address the problems encountered in customer services. If any of the following cases occur during the transaction, including but not limited to false transaction, fraud, card piracy, counterfeit transaction, denial of cardholder, non-payment of cardholder, leak or error of the cardholder’s information, or Party A’s violation of the national laws, regulations, commitment to the users and agreements with Party B, Party A shall immediately give the written notice to Party B and be held accountable alone for all the losses caused by the above mentioned conditions.

2. 協議方確定本協議首部顯示的協議方的通訊資訊為有效通訊資訊,如協議方變更通訊資訊,應在變更前不少於 7 日書面通知對方,未及時通知的後果由變更通訊資訊的協議方承擔。
Both Parties determine that the communication information shown in the first part of this Agreement is valid. If one Party changes the communication information, it shall inform the other Party no less than 7 days prior to the change. Otherwise, it shall bear the consequence by itself of the failure to notify in time.

Article 9: Non-waiver of Right

No failure or delay by either party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

Article 10: Applicable Laws and Dispute Settlement

This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of Hong Kong.

Party A and Party B shall settle the disputes arising from the process of implementing this Agreement through amicable negotiations. Either Party is entitled to submit it to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center subject to its existing and effective arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be accepted as final and binding by the Parties.

Article 11: Implementation, Alteration and Termination of Agreement

1. 本協議履行期為 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止(以下簡稱“首次有效期”)。如本協議首次有效期和後續歷次有效期屆滿前的一個月內,雙方均未提出書面通知要求終止協議的,則本協議自動順延一年,此後依此類推。但若首次有效期和後續歷次有效期屆滿前的一個月內,任何一方向對方發出終止書面通知的,則無需經對方同意,本協議到期終止。
The term of the Agreement shall be from , to , ( hereinafter referred to as “Initial Term”). If neither party makes a written notice to the other party to terminate the Agreement within one (1) month prior to expiration of the Initial Term of the Agreement or the renewed terms thereafter, the term hereof shall be automatically renewed for one (1) year and shall be renewed as such thereafter. Provided however that if any party makes a written notice to the other party to terminate the Agreement within one (1) month prior to expiration of the Initial Term of the Agreement or the renewed terms thereafter, no need to obtain consent of the other party, the Agreement shall be terminated when the related term expired.

2. 除雙方協商一致書面提出和本協議約定外,任何單方變更或解除均為違約。
Unless unanimously agreed upon by the Parties through negotiation in writing or being stipulated by this Agreement, any unilateral alteration or termination of this Agreement shall be deemed as breach of contract.

3. 本協議未盡事宜,由雙方當事人簽訂書面補充協議約定,補充協議與本協議具有同等效力。
The Parties shall sign a supplementary agreement through negotiation for any matters not mentioned herein. The supplementary agreement has the same legal effect as this Agreement.

4. 甲方蓋章通過傳真件、掃描件確認的方式確認本協議及本協議補充協議的,與甲方蓋章的原件具有相同的法律效力。但無論如何甲方應在本協議及本協議補 充協議簽署後的 5 個工作日內將蓋章的原件寄給乙方。
The sealed documents passed on by Party A through faxing or scanning as confirmations of this Agreement and its supplementary agreements share the same legal effects with the original copies sealed by Party A. However, in any event, Party A shall send the duly sealed original to Party B by courier within 5 working days after execution of this Agreement and its supplementary agreements.

5. 本協議一式兩份,雙方各執一份,具有同等法律效力。
This agreement shall be held in two copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve one copy with equal legal effect.

6. 本協議以中文和英文寫就,二者如有任何不一致,以中文為準。
The Agreement is written in Chinese and English, in case of any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Appendix: Prohibited Transaction Type

I. 跨境錢包 Cross-border Wallt

1. 非法政治音像製品、出版物 Illegal political audio-visual products and publications 
2. 非法反動卡類和節目台 Illegal political cards and program channels 
3. 國家機密檔資料等 State secret documents and information 
4. 黃色低俗音像製品/出版物 Pornographic and vulgar audio-visual products/publications 
5. 黃色低俗色情服務 Pornographic and vulgar erotic services 
6. 黃色低俗卡類和節目台 Pornographic and vulgar cards and program channels 
7. 其他黃色低俗物品或服務 Other pornographic and vulgar articles or services 
8. 賭博器具 Gambling tools 
9. 私彩 Private lottery 
10. 賭博/博彩服務 Gambling/betting
11. 毒品 Narcotics 
12. 吸毒工具 Narcotic-taking tools 
13. 軍火武器/槍械及配件,含模擬槍、爆炸物 Weapons of all types (including military weapons/firearms and accessories), replica weapons, ammunitions and explosives 
14. 軍用、警用物品 Military or police equipment 
15. 管制器具 Controlled instruments (such as dagger) which would potentially be used as a weapon
16. 犯罪物品 Illegally obtained proceeds or properties as result of crime 
17. 劇毒物品和危險化學品 Poisonous articles and hazardous chemicals 
18. 甩棍、電棍、電擊棍等其他物品 Batons and electric batons 
19. 開鎖工具 Lock pick tools 
20. 麻醉藥品、精神類藥品、處方藥、無批號藥品 Anesthetic, psychotropic or prescription medicine; illegal unregistered Medicine 
21. 胎兒性別鑒定 Fetal gender determination 
22. 成人藥品 Aphrodisiac 
23. 醫療服務,包括醫療諮詢、催眠、整容整形 Medical service, including medical consulting, hypnotherapy, plastic surgery 
24. 協力廠商轉支付平台(二清無牌機構)Unauthorized payment service provider 
25. 涉外婚介 Matchmaking service between Chinese and foreign citizen 
26. 駭客攻擊 Hacking 
27. 惡意軟體 Malware 
28. 危害微信支付各子公司或相關方的服務 Services jeopardizing Wechat Pay or any of its Affiliates or related party 
29. 違法辦證刻章 Certificate issuing and stamp carving that violate the law 
30. 眾籌 Crowd funding 
31. 視頻聊天 Video chat 
32. 宗教網站 Religion 
33. 網上公墓、網上祭祀等服務 Online cemetery and worshipping 
34. 身份證資訊等侵犯個人隱私的資訊 ID card information and other privacy information 
35. 間諜器材 Spy equipment 
36. 電腦隱私資訊監控 Computer privacy information monitoring 
37. 其他危害個人隱私的物品或服務 Other privacy invasion material or service 
38. 傳銷 Pyramid scheme 
39. 彩票 Lottery 
40. 黃金投資 Gold investment 
41. 信用卡套現 Credit card cashing 
42. 假幣 Counterfeit currency 
43. 買賣銀行帳戶(銀行卡)Sale or purchase of bank account or bank card in contravention with the Laws 
44. 股票 Stock 
45. 基金 Fund 
46. 保險 Insurance 
47. 保險平台 Insurance platform 
48. 銀行理財產品 Bank financial products 
49. 返利 Rebate service 
50. 股票軟體,股票資訊、財經資訊 Financial information software, financial products trading software 
51. 單用途預付卡 Single-purpose prepaid cards 
52. 證券 Securities 
53. 非法集資 Illegal fund-raising 
54. 外匯兌換服務 Foreign exchange services 
55. 金融互助平台 P2P lending P2P 
56. 支付 POS payment POS 
57. 分期付款服務 Payment by instalments service 
58. 虛開發票 Invoice 
59. 虛擬貨幣,比特幣、萊特幣、元寶幣等虛擬貨幣交易 Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ybcoin, and other virtual currency transactions 
60. 衛星天線 Satellite antenna 
61. 考古文物 Archaeological and cultural relics 
62. 流通人民幣 Circulating RMB 
63. 外幣 Foreign currency 
64. 假冒產品(食物類)Forged and fake food products 
65. 煙草(線上禁售)Tobaccos 
66. 煙花爆竹 Fireworks and firecrackers 
67. 原油 Crude oil 
68. 人體器官 Human organs 
69. 代孕服務 Surrogacy services 
70. 替考、代考、代寫論文服務 Impersonation in exams, plagiarism 
71. 國家保護動植物 Protected species 
72. 走私物品 Smuggled goods 
73. 特殊時期特殊規定(版權、國家同步規定、奧運)Olympic Games or World Expo tickets, or other infringement according to state regulations 
74. 種子 Seeds 
75. 不動產買賣 Real estates 
76. 慈善公益 Charity 
77. 拍賣 Auction 
78. 典當 Pawn 
79. 抽獎  Lucky draw
80. 帶有危險性病菌,害蟲及其他有害生物的動物,植物及其產品 Any animals, plants or products which contain dangerous germs, pests or any other living creature 
81. 有礙人畜健康的,來自疫區其他能傳播疾病的製品,葯品或其他物品 Any products, medicine or any other article originates from epidemic area of infectious disease which causes threat to health of human beings or animals 
82. 集會活動 Public gathering 
83. 其他違法產品或服務 Any other goods or services that violate the law 

II. 香港本地錢包 Hong Kong Local Wallet

1. 色情 Pornography 
2. 毒品 Illegal drugs 
3. 吸毒工具 Narcotic-taking tools 
4. 軍火武器/槍械及配件,含模擬槍、爆炸物 Weapons, including accessories, replica weapons, ammunitions and explosives 
5. 軍用、警用物品 Military or police equipment 
6. 劇毒物品和危險化學品 Poisonous articles and hazardous chemicals 
7. 駭客攻擊、惡意軟體 Hacking, malware 
8. 違法辦證刻章 Certificate issuing and stamp carving that violate the law 
9. 假幣 Counterfeit currency 
10. 買賣銀行帳戶(銀行卡)Sale or purchase of bank account or bank card in contravention with the Laws 
11. 考古文物 Archaeological and cultural relics 
12. 假冒產品 Forged and fake products 
13. 人體器官 Human organs 
14. 代孕服務 Surrogacy services 
15. 保護動植物 Protected species 
16. 走私物品 Smuggled goods 
17. 帶有危險性病菌,害蟲及其他有害生物的動物、植物及其產品 Any animals, plants or products which contain dangerous germs, pests or any other living creature 
18. 有礙人畜健康的,來自疫區其他能傳播疾病的製品,葯品或其他物品 Any products, medicine or any other article originates from epidemic area of infectious disease which causes threat to health of human beings or animals
19. 其他違法產品或服務 Any other goods or services that violate the law